For aarch64 build, we have raspberry pi 3b support .

Support for raspberry pi 4 is not there yet.

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 19:32 Philipp Ammann <> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> I haven't tried it myself but the Raspberry Pi 2 is a supported machine:
> and
> $ qemu-system-aarch64 -machine help | grep raspi
> raspi2               Raspberry Pi 2
> Generally you can follow any tutorial on creating a Raspbian VM using
> qemu. It doesn't matter whether the host is an ARM or x86. Also Raspbian
> is basically Debian, so most info you find for Debian is likely also
> valid for Raspbian.
> Good luck
> Philipp
> Am 10.05.22 um 17:48 schrieb Marco Capella:
> > English translation by google, original text below.
> >
> > Hello.
> >
> > Guys, my knowledge in English is equal to zero and I also don't know if
> > the correct place to
> >
> > post and here so I apologize in advance ok
> >
> > I have an RPi4 with 4gb of memory, I'm studying shell script to automate
> >
> > commands or install applications for example, I would love to create a
> > machine
> >
> > virtual with qemu to test these scripts without ending up messing up my
> > usage system
> >
> > main, for testing the commands a lot and mainly, testing the
> > installation and
> >
> > uninstalling apps I end up having to format and reinstall my system
> >
> > on the sdcard, reducing its useful life, so I thought to create this VM
> > on an external HD
> >
> > to be able to delete and recreate the machine without running the risk
> > of damaging my sdcard.
> >
> > The detail is that I would like to create a raspberry pi with raspbian
> > inside my RPi4
> >
> > with raspbian ok?
> >
> > I've already found several tutorials teaching how to create virtual
> > machines (PC with Windows
> >
> > inside MAC, RPi with raspbian inside Windows PC for example) but I
> > didn't find
> >
> > RPI with raspbian (can be RPi2, 3 or 4 whatever) inside RPi 4.
> >
> >
> > Could anyone help?
> >
> >
> > Ola.
> >
> > Pessoal meu conhecimento em ingles e igual a zero e tambem não sei se o
> > lugar correto de
> >
> > postar e aqui por isso peço desculpas antecipadas ok
> >
> > Tenho um RPi4 com 4gb de memoria, estou estudadando shell script  para
> > automatizar
> >
> > comandos ou instalar aplicativos por exemplo, gostaria muito de criar
> > uma maquina
> >
> > virtual com o qemu para testar esses scripts sem acabar sujando meu
> > sistema de uso
> >
> > principal, por testar muito os comandos e principalmente, testar a
> > instalação e
> >
> > desinstalação de aplicativos acabo tendo que formatar e reinstalar meu
> > sistema
> >
> > no sdcard, diminuindo sua vida util, então pensei criar essa VM num HD
> > externo
> >
> > para poder apagar e recriar a maquina sem correr o risco de danificar
> > meu sdcard.
> >
> > O detalhe e que gostaria de criar um raspberry pi com raspbian dentro do
> > meu RPi4
> >
> > com raspbian ok?
> >
> > Ja encontrei varios tutoriais ensinando como criar maquinas virtuais (PC
> > com Windows
> >
> > dentro do MAC, RPi com raspbian dentro do PC com Windows por exemplo)
> > mas não encontrei
> >
> > RPI com raspbian ( pode ser RPi2, 3 ou 4 tanto faz ) dentro do RPi 4.
> >
> >
> > Alguem poderia ajudar?
> >
> >
> > Desde ja, muito obrigado pela atenção.
> >
> >
> — φ

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