Hello community,

   I am trying to run qemu-system-aarch64 on a Kylin based machine, the
host kernel version is 4.19. qemu is versioned 4.2.1. The command I am
running is "qemu-system-aarch64 -cpu host -enable-kvm -machine virt -m
size=4G,maxmem=512G". This command failed with "qemu-system-aarch64: -m and
,maxmem option values require an IPA range (41 bits) larger than the one
supported by the host (40 bits)".
   I am confused because 2^40 is around 1TB which is greater than 512G.
Would be very appreciated to get some insights. Thank you very much for the
help in advance.


Best Regards,

Jiatong Shen

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