I'm glad to hear you had success. I played catchup today with a bunch of stuff 
and ran into the same build problem you had reported. Thanks for your good 
research on the patch as that saved me some grief. I still managed to have a 
corrupt cache database and some other issues that made the upgrades slow me 
down quite a bit.

Good luck with you qgis work,

On Sep 21, 2010, at 5:54 PM, Matthew Denno wrote:

> Just a follow up.  After applying the patch and upgrading to PyQt trunk I was 
> able to get QGIS installed from source.  And I learned some things along the 
> way :)
> William and John:  Thanks again for all your help.
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 11:19 AM, William Kyngesburye <wokl...@kyngchaos.com> 
> wrote:
> I just ran a trunk build from Xcode.  No patches for that Qgis SIP bug have 
> been applied yet, so I had to do that ot my local source copy to get it to 
> compile.  The PyQt bug mentioned there about utf8 *has* been applied to PyQt 
> trunk.
> 2 ways to apply a diff: patch command and manually.  Since the patch is lines 
> of text on a web page instead of a file download, this one is simple enough 
> to apply manually, it's just deleting a bunch of lines.  Delete lines 268-318 
> of python/core/conversions.sip.

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