On 10/20/2010 12:34 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
Hi all.
We (Faunalia, for Regione Toscana) have developed a couple of plugins: RT SQL 
to build arbitrary select queries and load results on the canvas, and RT PostGIS
extractor, to export large amounts of data cut by another vector (in PostGIS or 
by hand.
Thy are in production now, and we feel they are mature enough for being of 
(even if specialized) use. We request therefore their inclusion in trunk. We are
committed to their maintenance.
All the best.
when trying to run RT PostGIS Extractor on Debian Lenny (Qt 4.4.3) it is crashing with following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/rt_postgres_extractor/ManagerPlugin.py", line 37, in run
    self.dlg = Wizard(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface)
File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/rt_postgres_extractor/Wizard.py", line 25, in __init__
File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/rt_postgres_extractor/Wizard.py", line 58, in setupUi
    exec( "wizPage = %s( self.iface, self.wizState )" % p )
  File "", line 1, in
File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/rt_postgres_extractor/WizPage5.py", line 27, in __init__
File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/rt_postgres_extractor/ui/WizPage5_ui.py", line 55, in setupUi
    self.progressBar.setProperty("value", 24)
TypeError: argument 2 of QObject.setProperty() has an invalid type

We where already solving similar problem in Table Manager.
'self.progressBar.setProperty("value",QtCore.QVariant(0))' was fixing the problem.



Ivan Mincik, Gista s.r.o.

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