Hi Peter,

> the dataset is the standard Spearfish sample dataset 
> (http://grass.fbk.eu/sampledata/spearfish_grass60data-0.3.tar.gz)[data layers 
> used: archsites (point), streams (line), quads (polygon)].
> I am using QGIS 1.6.0 (similar effects were observed in QGIS 1.4). 
> "Reprojection on the fly" is active, using EPSG:4326 as reference SRS.
Good, and are you using version 1.0 of manageR?

> It seems like the segfaulting occurs independent from the geometry type of 
> the layers, but occurs when a _second_ layer is imported into manageR.
Hmm, I'm not getting the same behaviour here (Ubuntu Linux 10.04,
R-2.12.0, rpy2-2.1.4, QGIS-1.7.0-Trunk-revision 14735). I was able to
import any and all spearfish layers...
My guess is that this is a GDAL/OGR issue. Which version of GDAL do
you have on your system?

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