Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for explaining these things.

The default of Spatialite uses "Geometry" and "PK_UID" as you can see
test-2.3.sqlite. All spatialite databases immigrated using the
utilities of spatialite have "Geometry" and "PK_UID" as default. You
can also see it in the Spatialite Tutorials.


As suggestion, if you don't mind, probably you can change the default
to "Geometry" and "PK_UID" to avoid confusion especially for the new
users. However, you also put a checkbox option if you like.

I think it would be nice to some documentation in plugin.

e.g. PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(table_name) to view table before you start
using the plugin. The probably a link to this Spatialite Tutorials
(i.e. http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/spatialite-tutorial-2.3.1.html#t1



On 12/17/10, Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da
<ricardo.garcia.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Noli, Guiseppe, all
> I downloaded the spatialite sample database and ran your query.
> I could run it fine without the errors you mention. The problem here
> seems to be that I still need to write some documentation on how to
> use the plugin so that you (the user) can know how to operate it
> correctly ;)
> I will improve the Help page of the plugin in order to clarify these issues.
> As for your specific problem:
> the SQL query you are using is:
> Select * from Regions where NAME = 'VENETO'
> - If you only intend to visualize the results in the 'result' tab of
> the plugin, without loading to map canvas, it works fine just like
> this.
> - BUT, If you want to load the result of the query to the map canvas,
> you must ensure that the 'Geometry column' and 'Identifier column'
> text boxes are showing the correct values for your specific tables.
> Using a spatialite db, I've set the default values for these text
> boxes as 'geometry' and 'pkuid', but you need to confirm if your data
> are using these names as well. In this case, the correct values should
> be 'Geometry' and 'PK_UID'.
> You can check the names of the columns in an sqlite table by using the
> spatialite manager, or by running the following query:
> PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(table_name)
> If you use the wrong geometry and identifier values you may (or may
> not) still be able to visualize your data over the map canvas but the
> attribute values will come as ERROR.
> As for the deletion of tables from the spatialite db, there isn't a
> nice way of doing this. To the best of my knowledge you still have to
> manually create the SQL DROP TABLE... statement and also remove the
> triggers and geometry info from spatialite by running the SQL SELECT
> DiscardGeometryColumn...
> I think this feature will come around sooner or later. It belongs to
> the (spatialite)manager plugin, and, even if I miss it as well, I
> don't think it should be implemented in the custom db query plugin.
> Cheers
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