On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Borys Jurgiel <li...@borysjurgiel.pl> wrote:
> Finally! :-) It's impressing. I observe two issues only:
> 2. GDAL TMS layers don't work. I get a warning messageBox:

It seems to work. I have not done any particular fix for this, but it
was possibly fixed by one of many other fixes I have applied. Can you


> Cannot ChunkAndWarpImage : Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=1048576,
> nSrcYSize=1048576
> This is, for example, a TMS source that doesn't work any more:
>        <Service name="TMS">
> <ServerUrl>http://tile.openstreetmap.org/${z}/${x}/${y}.png</ServerUrl>
>        </Service>
>        <DataWindow>
>                <UpperLeftX>-20037508.34</UpperLeftX>
>                <UpperLeftY>20037508.34</UpperLeftY>
>                <LowerRightX>20037508.34</LowerRightX>
>                <LowerRightY>-20037508.34</LowerRightY>
>                <TileLevel>16</TileLevel>
>                <TileCountX>1</TileCountX>
>                <TileCountY>1</TileCountY>
>                <YOrigin>top</YOrigin>
>        </DataWindow>
>        <Projection>EPSG:900913</Projection>
>        <BlockSizeX>256</BlockSizeX>
>        <BlockSizeY>256</BlockSizeY>
>        <BandsCount>3</BandsCount>
>        <Cache>
>                <Extension>.png</Extension>
>        </Cache>
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