Le 27/06/2011 19:16, Paolo Cavallini a écrit :
Il 27/06/2011 19:03, Nick Hopton ha scritto:

There might be unwanted consequences if this were to happen. The forum
has evolved into a friendly first port of call for newcomers with
problems and I think that some new users might find the mailing-list
intimidating (I'm taking here about, say, a lad who might have
installed QGIS yesterday and now finds that his GPS tracks won't fit
properly on his map). At present we have the forum, which I think does
a good job for newcomers; the mailing-list, which is pitched more
towards those with greater experience; and we have the developer list,
which is where the world-class experts live.

I had reports of people disappointed from not having a response through the 
forum (I
understand few devs and power users hang out there).
If true, this would not be a positive thing for qgis.
What are from your point of view the differences between a ML and a forum?
All the best.


For example, a person willing to work on SVG but with no return from a dev : http://forum.qgis.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8773

It would be more honest to redirect to the list rather than keeping an unloved forum.
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