
I am working on a custom form under QGis. I've got a postGIS table
which is linked to this custom form (a .ui file). The data of a
feature are shown in this form and you can use it to write data to the

There is no problem with the (classic) QLineEdit control: once you've
written a value in the control and validate the form, it is written as
well in the database.

But I've got problems with QCheckBox: the box is always unchecked
whatever the value of the field. When you check this control, the
value is changed in the database (true or false). But if you try to
open a form on an existing object, the checkbox is always
unchecked. I've tested with (postGis) boolean and integer fields and
got the same problem.

The QDateEdit control is quite useful to help users to choose the
right date (with calendar popups). But, like QCheckBox, I can't make
them show the right value on form opening. It is always the default
date (01/01/00) even if the date field is not null in the table. If
you use the control to change the date, the value in the database is
changed to the one you chose. I've tested this control with both
(PostGIS) Date and Timestamp fields.

Is there any mean to make QcheckBox and QDateEdit control values be
the right values from the fields like QLineEdit ones ?

I am using Debian Squeeze nightly-build version of QGis but I am not
so sure that the problem is related to this specific version.

Do you think this is the same bug than this one:
http://hub.qgis.org/issues/3228 ?

Thanks for your advices...
email: mederic.ribr...@gmail.com
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