On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 6:26 PM, maaza mekuria <sail...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks again Martin. I was able to use it effectively for my needs. I am 
> delighted to have you guys to help. Many times because of the lack of 
> available documentation, your experiences are invaluable and it may be the 
> one that would make or break a person's patience to do plugging along in QGis.

In case you have some spare time we would be glad if you help us with
the documentation. If you do not feel like writing some docs it would
be fine just to point out what is lacking there and/or what is

> I still would like that one should be able to create and access indices to 
> perform spatial analysis fairly easily. For doing GIS work one must perform 
> these actions many times not just from a single geometry, but in groups. So 
> my humble request is to place a function function (perhaps in QgsSpatialIndex 
> that will take a data layer and return a spatial index.

Such a function might be added in future, however it is a matter of
few lines of code, so no problem to write it yourself - and eventually
submit a patch ;-)

> Also it would be helpful for those with less memory, and highly memory 
> intensive work, to allow access to the spatial index disk file for similar 
> use in place of memory index. It may be a bit slower than an in memroy 
> version, but it should do just the same as the other.

Yes that would be a nice feature to have.

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