Hi Tim

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Tim Sutton <li...@linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Cool stuff! Next we can try to make our unit tests run from there. If
> I try to manually run a test e.g.
> output/bin/qgis_rasterlayertest
> it doesnt pick up any providers. I notice also that the binaries
> placed in the output dir still will pick up system qgis libs e.g.:
> [bin] ldd qgis_rasterlayertest
> libqgis_core.so.1.8.0 => /usr/local/lib/libqgis_core.so.1.8.0
> (0x00007f6305787000)
> Though for QGIS they are correct:
> [bin] ldd qgis | grep core
>        libqgis_core.so.1.8.0 =>
> /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/Quantum-GIS/build-master-qtcreator/output/lib/libqgis_core.so.1.8.0
> (0x00007fccd97c3000)

Oh, I forgot to fix unit tests :-)

By default CMake adds RPATH to binaries that are produced so that they
will reach the libraries within build directory. Later when doing
'make install' it removes the RPATH, otherwise the binaries would
still pick up the libraries from build directory.

Looking at the ADD_QGIS_TEST macro I see that we explicitly disable
RPATH because until now also the tests would need to be installed to
work correctly. I am not at the dev box right now, but removing
SKIP_BUILD_RPATH property from the macro should fix that.

With the support for running qgis from build path I think we should
not install the tests anymore...

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