Hi devs,
working on the import layer feature I noticed that there's a difference
when getting the layer CRS using the PG and SL provider's crs() method.

While the PG crs() calls the QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromSrid,
the SL crs method instead uses the

This is an inconsistent behavior.

When I load a table with geometry and srid 3003,
if the source is a PG database I get a layer with the QGis 3003 definition
that contains towgs84 params, otherwise from SL I get a layer with a
custom CRS, similar to the QGis one but without the towgs84 params.

This creates some problems trying to import the SL layer into a PG database
because QGis is unable to get the postgisSrid from the SL layer with the
custom CRS, even if it should be 3003.

I think both should work in the same manner, but I don't know if it's more
correct to get crs from srid (in this case both the layers will use the QGis

crs definition) or from the proj4string.

Any idea?

Giuseppe Sucameli
Qgis-developer mailing list

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