
It seems that it needs - qsqlite.

  else if ( QSQLITE == databaseType( ) && !mDatabase.contains( "sqlite" ) )
    mDatabase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QSQLITE", "sqlite" );
  else if ( QSQLITE == databaseType( ) )
    mDatabase = QSqlDatabase::database( "sqlite" );
    setLastError( "No matching DATABASE_TYPE found" );
    return false;



Now, how can we install qsqlite driver in Mac OS X?


On 10/28/11, Noli Sicad <nsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What needs to be installed to make eVis plugin works with spatialite
> db in Mac OS X?
> The author mentioned about Qt library.
> "... Qt's library so you don't have to have spatialite."
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Qgis-and-sqlite-td4521419.html
> eVis is now default plugin in QGIS 1.7.x and QGIS 1.8.0.
> I got this error using spatialite db.
> ##########
> New Database connection requested...
> Connection to
> [./Volumes/MAC_OS_1068/Work/work_d1/Work_11/SImon_GPS_Photos/GPS_Photo.db]
> failed: Driver not loaded Driver not loaded
> ##########
> Is eVis plugin sqlite/spatialite working in Linux?
> Any experience how to hack this to read my db?
> Thanks.
> Noli
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