On 22/10/2011, at 05:17 , Ramon Andiñach wrote:

> On 22/10/2011, at 4:05, Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I have been told that old trachttps://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/  is still online.
>> This may cause confusion; why not removing it altogether, and redirect to 
>> the new site?
>> All the best.
> I thought it had a big note on the front door saying that it's been retired 
> and where to find the new one. 
> On a related issue, I'm noticing that the warning message about old projects 
> is pointing people there, when it probably ought to show the new tracker.
> Does that need a bug filed?

On the related issue there is now a record for it on the new tracker (#4440), 
and a diff that I *think*[1] should fix it.

[1] Non-coder. Could some one check 
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