On 2011-11-25 10:31, Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Hi all,
> and sorry for crossposting. My colleague have problems with Python
> support in QGIS
> under 32-bit Ubuntu 11.04 At QGIS startup he gets
> Warning: Couldn't load Python support library: Unable to load library
> /usr/lib/qgispython:
>     (/usr/lib/libqgispython.so: cannot open shared object file: No
> such file or directory)
> and there is no libqgispython.so in /usr/lib. After creating symlink
> with necessary name
> ln -s /usr/lib/libqgispython.so.1.9.90  /usr/lib/qgispython.so
> we get another error
> Warning: Couldn't load Python support library: Unable to load library
> /usr/lib/qgispython:
>     (/usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0: undefined symbol: forkpty, version 
> GLIBC_2.0)
> We try to export LD_PRELOAD befor running QGIS as suggested in IRC
> (thanks, Gary)
> export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libutil.so but this don't help.
> Any ideas how to solve this problem?
> 32-bit Ubuntu 11.04, QGIS 1.9.90 from nightly repo, all previous QGIS
> versions are removed

Hi Alexander,

I've seen this on my laptop also. Often full remove of the build
directory solves this problem for me...

And is he/she trying to run it from the build directory itself? Maybe
trying the make install step?

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