Hi all, last night i pushed a new "stablish" version of QGIS for android. I've closed some tickets [0] and thanks to an improvement in master (thx Jef), now the fontsize problem could be fixed as well (I tested it on an asus transformer and it looks great). I fixed some widgets as well which are now not too big anymore and can now be closed. There still are some widgets that are too big (layer properties and raster calculator for example, but we are looking into it.

As well I worked a bit on the installation, now there should be no more first run crash. In this version I temporarly disabled the back button which used to crash the app if used. This is not ideal but at least avoids crashing your work when hitting that button. This is a necessitas (Qt on android) known problem and should get fixed in necessitas alpha4 or beta1.

As usual you can find all happening around QGIS for android and the installer at [1] I hope in your feed back and remember that any founding you might have/find will help a lot in getting all QGIS on android getting stable faster.

Ciao Marco

Marco Bernasocchi
Qgis-developer mailing list

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