On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Luca Delucchi <lucadel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I try to summarize what I did until now for my plugin, could be useful
> for other developers:
> - on http://plugins.qgis.org the developer has to create a new plugin
> repository (http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/add/)

Correct, except for that you do not create a new *plugin repository*,
you just create a *plugin* in the repository.

I guess the source of confusion is that we refer to a *repository* in
two different cases:
1. repository of plugins - where the plugins are stored for
distribution (old at pyqgis.org, new at plugins.qgis.org)
2. source repository - where the plugin source code lives (svn/git)

Idea: maybe we could use a different term for the plugin repository
(meaning 1) ? Currently the popular online software repositories are
called Android Market, Nokia's Ovi Store, Apple's App Store, Chrome
Web Store and so on. Apparently a "store" is quite a good term, but
maybe some less frequently used terms would work too... depot / ware
house / emporium / haven ... or heaven? :)

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