Hi all,

I also tried to upload my simple plugin to the new plugin repository
using only available information. Here is my experience.

Plugin code hosted at GitHub, I decide to use bugtracker at hub.qgis.org.
I have no problems with creating subproject under User plugins project,
only little puzzled with "Identifier" field.

Then I create package with my plugin and tried to upload it on plugins.qgis.org
and here I have one issue. My plugin have both files __init__.py and
metadata.txt. Metadata.txt file has all required fields including
links to source
code repository and bugtracker. But when I try to upload plugin I get message

"There were errors reading plugin package (please check also your plugin's
metadata). qgisMinimumVersion is set to less than 1.8 (1.0.0) and there were
errors reading metadata from the __init__.py file. This can lead to errors in
versions of QGIS less than 1.8, please either set the qgisMinimumVersion to
1.8 or specify the metadata also in the __init__.py file. Reported error was:
Cannot find metadata "qgisMinimumVersion" in metadata source (__init__.py).
Please bear in mind that the current implementation of the __init__.py validator
is based on regular expressions, check that your metadata functions directly
return metadata values as strings."

This is confusing for me, because my __init__.py contains

def qgisMinimumVersion():
  return "1.0.0"

and metadata.txt contains under general section

qgisMinimumVersion = 1.0.0

And I was able to upload plugin only when change qgisMinimumVersion in
both files to 1.8.0.

That's all. A little waiting and plugin approved and available for download.

2012/1/20 Giuseppe Sucameli <brush.ty...@gmail.com>:
> 1.a. In section "How to add your plugin to this repository" I can
> see:
> - "register your plugin at http://hub.qgis.org/projects/qgis-user-plugins,
> to show plugin info, add issues/tickets and to have just ONE repository
> for all qgis plugins."
> Shouldn't it be this optional as the user can choose any tracker?

I agreed with Giuseppe. As I remember in previous discussions we decide
that plugin author can use not only hub.qgis.org but any other bugtracker
and code repository. I under stand that using hub.qgis.org as bugtracker
has some advantages (single login and single place for all QGIS releated
bugs), but someone may don't like redmine.

I think we should create some policy regarding bugtracker and source code
repository. At least bugtracker and code repo URL should be mandatory.

> 2. About the PyQGIS cookbook:
> 2.a. The section "Release a plugin" into the cookbook needs
> to be update with the new procedure, It also contains a link to the
> old plugins repo site.
> 2.b. There isn't a section about metadata.txt, what information
> it contains, where put the file, ...

Already fixed. But because auto updates for CookBook at qgis.org was
broken for a while we have outdated version on site. As I say this already
fixed, thanks to Otto and Werner.

Alexander Bruy
Qgis-developer mailing list

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