On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM, G. Allegri <gioha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You've done a great work Camilo,

> and obviously it's always a good thing
> having multiple approaches to the things, because it can be a richness. I
> only wonder if those working on such frameworks could converge to a common
> effort, somehow.

Yes, I wonder about that too. I don't haven't really figured out how
sextante works, but it seems a very different approach: calls backends
through the commandline, which makes it much simpler to implement, of
course, but also limited in some aspects: no interaction, only batch
based jobs. I might be wrong, though.

> Probably you and Victor will desire to follow your own routes. In that case
> I hope the best results to both: we will have the opportunity to chose the
> best fitting solution ;)

I guess "friendly competition" has its advantages, too.

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