2012/3/27 Paolo Corti <pco...@gmail.com>

> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:07 AM, G. Allegri <gioha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I premit that I've already chosen a solution to bypass these issues: one,
> > common library and two plugins, one for qgis and one for arcpy. The
> plugins
> > will interact through pickling, sharing a common data structure from the
> > common library. This is the easiest solution for me to deploy (no
> servers as
> > with iPython or RabbitMQ).
> >
> Hi Giovanni
> as others suggested, you can not use arcpy for
> writing a QGIS plugin, if you are willing to deploy it as open source
> (ie it is not for your company internal use). QGIS plugins must be
> released as GPL.
> Are you considering to release your solution for the community? If not
> - as I think - you do not need to bother ;)

Paolo, if I'm asking the questions is not for bothering. It's something
important to me, both as a developer and a cunsoltor for my customers.
If you fell this is not the right place to ask it, I will move to the FSF
forums or the italian ASSOLI.

> >
> > fTool + GDAL python bindings + ECW
> >
> same here, if you are willing to open your code to the community.
> For the same reason GDAL packages are not built with ecw support (same
> for file gdb, arcsde ecc ecc), but you must compile it for yourself if
> you need it.

In osgeo4w the gdal-ecw DLLs are released binary compiled. I never needed
to compile them by myself. Are you saying that osgeo4w is doing something

> ciao
> p
> --
> Paolo Corti
> Geospatial software developer
> web: http://www.paolocorti.net
> twitter: @capooti
> skype: capooti
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