Hi all

I think that now that SEXTANTE is having a lot of activity in its QGIS
version, it might be a good idea to separate it from the Java version.
Although the apps are almost the same and have the same name, I think
it is good for each one to have a separate place, and make that clear
in our main website.

I was thinking about opening a GIT repo at the hub.qgis.org site, but
would like to hear your opinions about it. I am more or less new to
GIT, so maybe someone with more knowledge can guide me in this so we
can upload it without losing the history of changes. Also, if anyone
feels like doing it, I wouldn't mind a bit of help :-) I think that
getting SEXTANTE as a project of the QGIS community is the way to go,
so adding more people (other than me) to its management is what i
would like to do

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