On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Anne Ghisla <a.ghi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all, and sorry for cross-posting,
> let me introduce our 4 accepted students for OSGeo Google Summer of
> Code 2012:
> - Camilo Polymeris, mentored by Victor Olaya on the project "Orfeo
>  Toolbox backend for the Sextante framework in QGIS "

Hello all,
that is me, and I am very happy to have been accepted to work with
QGIS for this years GSoC. Thank you, org admins and mentors, for
making this possible!

Just like last year, when I ended up doing something a bit different
than what was described in my formal project, my project this year,
while still QGIS- and sextante-related, will probably have less to do
with OTB than apparent from the title, since J. Malik is already
working on that. Looking forward to be contributing to the core of
sextante and incorporating some ideas from PF, instead.

On a practical note, which might also be of interest to the other
students: What do you think is the best channel to publish progress
reports? One option would be to start a blog or similar (where? last
year I used the github wiki, but I think it wasn't too visible),
another to just start a thread on the qgis-developer mailing list for
that purpose.

Best regards,

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