Hi Larry

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:11 AM, Larry Shaffer <lar...@dakotacarto.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a fairly detailed map for print output at a known scale
> (1:24000 @ 300 dpi, 1.2 m x 2.4 m). I'm using the new label engine,
> and manually adjusting many of the labels for x/y and rotation. Labels
> are in map units, with parallel-to-line feature layout.
> Is there a means to have PAL layout the labels, then do something to
> freeze (write) *all* labels' x/y coords to the data source?

I'm not aware of any straightforward solution. I have heard of some
plans to provide PyQGIS wrappers for classes responsible for (PAL)
labeling, so with your Python skills you could create a script/plugin
that would take care of freezing labels - though the API would
probably need some tweaks to allow not only draw the resulting labels,
but also fetch the label positions.

Freezing the labeling and editing of label placement were things I
wanted to do from the early times when playing with PAL, but never got
to it close enough :-)

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