I agree the old versions of symbology and labeling should be removed rather sooner than later. It would increase pressure on developers, financers and users to implement the really important bits that are missing.

If we do this in the master version it won't hurt existing users.

We have been discussing this for two years now and noone seems to be really acting about the missing bits other than complaining? Someone has to do the work or pay someone to do it. It won't happen by itself.


On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 09:22:34 +0200, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
As master version is a development version, there is still 1.8 which
has full symbology and labelling.
Removing old stuff in master would probably accelerate improvement of
the new labelling and symbology.

Otherwise, waiting for full completion of requirements would probably
be much longer.

I am no dev so my opinion is worth my 2 cents ;)

On 07/12/2012 08:53 AM, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
The new ones
are missing features that are available in the old ones and that are
quite important when styling a map.

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