On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Tim Sutton <li...@linfiniti.com> wrote:

> Yes writing tests into the project plan and explaining the value of
> investing in them to the clients is the way to go! In this case it was
> an easy sell since we are using the work in the project to build
> software that 'must just work' and having tests will be critical in
> providing that assurance. That said I think in all cases, if a client
> has paid for something the will want to know that it 'just works and
> keeps working down the line' too. Hopefully other QGIS developers who
> are creating contracts will follow suite....

 I think that implicitly answers the only question I had about this
project - that all the stuff would be properly documented too!

 The World Bank are doing a lot of good things - I listened to a few
talks at this http://www.data.gov/communities/conference the other


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