Hey Larry,

Great job! Love the use of green and blue rectangles to highlight what
mode the label is in. Will be a very handy feature to have.

I'll let one of the more experienced developers review the code, but I
couldn't see a reason this wouldn't make it into core.

- Nathan

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Larry Shaffer <lar...@dakotacarto.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The current large-format project I'm working on requires me to layout,
> for print, thousands of labels. So I spent the last couple of days
> making two new tools for the advanced labeling toolbar that allow the
> user to interactively 'freeze' (write coords and rotation info to
> attribute table) and 'thaw' (revert from data-defined to dynamic) any
> rendered labels.
> *Show Frozen Labels*
> This tool highlights frozen labels for all visible layers. Blue
> highlighted labels are frozen, green are frozen and editable (parent
> layer's in edit mode).
> *Freeze/Thaw Labels*
> This tool allows the user to interactively choose, by single or
> marquee selection, labels to freeze or thaw. The in-memory attribute
> table is immediately updated and results shown to user. This tool
> allows the user to interactively manipulate the PAL labeling engine to
> find the best solutions for their frozen labels.
> Since the topic and how the tool interacts with the labeling engine is
> more complicated, I made an intro video. (Note: I haven't had much
> sleep recently, so it's a bit rough.)
> http://vimeo.com/dakotacarto/freezethawlabels
> This is my first C++ project, so I'd be really happy if someone
> audited the code before I squash the commits and send a pull request:
> https://github.com/dakcarto/Quantum-GIS/tree/feature_freeze-thaw-labels
> Only tested on Mac, as of now. Nothing platform-specific about it though.
> Regards,
> Larry Shaffer
> Dakota Cartography
> Black Hills, South Dakota
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