Hi Alexander

Ok, that sounds reasonable to me (new class in core directory). In that case, the new class has a similar role for scales as QgsTolerance has for snap distances.

P.S. we can move this discussion do the developers list if necessary.



Am 16.07.2012 10:28, schrieb Alexander Bruy:
Hi Marco.

2012/7/16 Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentob...@sourcepole.ch>:
I'm working on feature #5561 "Project scale list" [0] and already
implement almost all desired functionality.
Is the implementation similar to the patch which currently is attached to
the ticket?
It uses same idea but with a little different implementation. First I implement
ability to change global scale list from QGIS settings so user can enter
preferred scales and always use them in all project. The second step is a
project level scale list, which can override global settings.

I just push this branch to my fork on GitHub here:

Is it ok to create such class and where is better to place it? I think,
it should go to core subdirectory
Could you explain the functionality of the scale manager class? If it is
just QgsProject::instance()->readListEntry() / writeEntry(), it might be
overkill to create a new class (but I guess there is more, I just did not
follow the ticket too closely).
I already use QgsProject::instance()->readListEntry() / writeEntry() to read
and write scale list defined per-project. But I also want to provide for users
easy method to save scale list, move it to another PC (like connection
settings or shortcuts) and then load this list as global or project.

So this class will create separate XML (or even plain text) file from
scale list or populate global/project scale list from existing file.

P.S. we can move this discussion do the developers list if necessary.

Thanks for your time

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Weberstrasse 5, CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
marco.hugentob...@sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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