Hi Even,

On 09/21/2012 04:31 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Selon Marco Bernasocchi <ma...@bernawebdesign.ch>:
>> Thanks Even,
>> bizarre that nobody had that issue before no?
> Yes a bit. Check the compilation flags passed in your case. I assume there's
> -DDEBUG in them. (or it's defined in some header)
I call qgis cmake with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, but I gues I'm not the
first qgis dev to do that :)
> During a long time, OGRSpatialReferenceH (and many other GDAL handles for 
> other
> types) was a typedef of void*, but there were some errors where handles of one
> type were incorrectly passed to functions that were expecting another type. So
> it was decided that in DEBUG mode, a stricter type checking would be done to
> help catching such errors, while in release mode, this wouldn't change to 
> avoid
> affecting existing user code.
Sounds reasonable.

Anybody else experiencing this?


Marco Bernasocchi
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