Hi Paolo,

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:
> Il 18/11/2012 07:22, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
>> - list in detail our needs for a prompt and smooth release of 2.0; my 
>> blockers are:
>>   * SIP Bindings revision
>>   * Symbology overhaul
>>   * Labelling overhaul

I can help with labeling, since I am already working on it. An
'overhaul' is a bit vague, but I assume you mean (at least) better
performance from the new engine. I can put together a concise listing
of what's needed to get current labeling changes/performance to a good
release-ready stage.

>>   * New web site and docs
>>   * SEXTANTE integration
>>   * Interface cleanup and consistency

I can help with the initial assessment and organization of what needs
cleaned up and made consistent (as I started here [0]). However, not
sure how much coding I can do, as I would prefer to focus on labeling
for this release.

[0] http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/quantum-gis/GUI_roadmap_for_version_20

>>   * Plugins migration
>> Missing anything?

There was talk a while ago about funds for crowd-sourcing the design
of a new QGIS logo. While not a fix per se, maybe the process should
be started ASAP? Would be good to have a new logo for 2.0 release.

Similarly, it would be good to have only one icon set (Robert's GIS
theme?). If so, there will need to be some work done on achieving
that. A more complete/consistent icon look across the entire app would
be a nice addition to a major release like 2.0.



>> - see if there is any of these who is likely to cause a serious delay (too 
>> much work,
>> few resources)
>> - get an estimate to fix it
>> - if we can't get enough money from the campaign to cover all the needs, 
>> decide how
>> to best allocate our sponsors and donors resources.
> Unfortunately, this does not seem to elicit much interest. I think we risk 
> delaying
> the 2.0 release if we do not deal with these issues effectively.
> So, now:
> - I have started our BfF account, we just have to add issues
> - which of the blockers listed above should be added?
> - for each, we need an estimate of the cost, and a person responsible for it.
> Any taker?
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
> www.faunalia.eu
> Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
> Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario
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