Hi Victor,

Below are the outputs from my terminal. The error:library is a non-issue 
according to comments on the dev forum for saga.


> which saga_cmd
> /usr/local/bin/saga_cmd
> saga_cmd
  #####   ##   #####    ##
 ###     ###  ##       ###
  ###   # ## ##  #### # ##
   ### ##### ##    # #####
##### #   ##  ##### #   ##

error: library

library search path: /usr/local/lib/saga

58 available module libraries:
- climate_tools
- contrib_a_perego
- docs_html
- docs_pdf
- geostatistics_grid
- geostatistics_points
- geostatistics_regression
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- ihacres
- imagery_classification
- imagery_rga
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gdal
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_grib2
- io_grid_image
- io_odbc
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- lectures_introduction
- pj_georeference
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- recreations_fractals
- recreations_games
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- transect

type -h or --help for further information

On Dec 20, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Victor Olaya <vola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is actually the following check in the case of mac and linux:
>            command = ["saga_cmd"]
>            proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
> stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
> universal_newlines=True).stdout
>            for line in iter(proc.readline, ""):
>                if "________" in line:
>                    settings.setValue(SAGA_INSTALLED, True)
>                    return
>            return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in
> your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms."
> basically, it is a naive check to see if executing saga_cmd in a
> console returns something that looks like the SAGA CMD header. It
> works fin in linux, but it seems it is not working in Mac. Are you
> sure saga is in your path? if so, what do you see when you execute
> saga_cmd? maybe the header is different for some reason?
> Thanks in advance!
> 2012/12/20 John C. Tull <jct...@gmail.com>:
>> On Dec 19, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Victor Olaya <vola...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Olav,
>>> Thanks for your contribution!
>>>> There is no option "SAGA folder" in the SEXTANTE configuration like you 
>>>> have
>>>> when installing on Windows. I haven't checked on Linux, but I guess the
>>>> Unixes don't need this, as long as saga_cmd is in the path, right?
>>> Right, Mac and Linux should work in the same way. Let me check,
>>> because maybe in Mac it is performing the same check as in windows
>>> (that is, checking that the SAGA folder is set...)
>>> Looks like an easy to solve problem...i hope
>>> Will keep you posted
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Victor
>> It looks like I'm a little late to the party on this. I confirm the same. I 
>> look forward to a solution on this for OS X. We can work on grass, perhaps, 
>> once that is resolved.
>> Regards,
>> John

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