>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: francescobocca...@libero.it
>Data: 04/02/2013 9.20
>A: <wonder...@gmail.com>
>Ogg: R: Re: Re: [Qgis-developer] R: Re: attributeMap()
>Hi Martin,
>this is my code:
>           vproviderA = vlayerA.dataProvider()
>            allAttrsA = vproviderA.attributeIndexes() #vettore contente 
>gli indici dei campi
>            try:
>                vproviderA.select(allAttrsA)
>            except:
>                vproviderA.getFeatures()
>            inFeat = QgsFeature()
>            outFeat = QgsFeature()
>            inGeom = QgsGeometry()
>            outGeom = QgsGeometry()
>            index = vproviderA.fieldNameIndex(field)#this works
>            features = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA)#from SEXTANTE
>            nFeat = len(features)
>            #vettore contenente valori unici del campo scelto
>            unique = ftools_utils.getUniqueValues(vproviderA, 
>            progress_perc=100/nFeat
>            n = 0
>            outID = 0
>            for i in unique:
>                  nElement=0
>                  xPoints = []
>                  yPoints = []
>                  first = True
>                  features = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA)
>                  for inFeat in features:
>                    try:
>                        atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
>                        idVar = atMap[ index ]
>                    except:
>                        idVar = inFeat [ index ]
>What am i wrong?
>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: wonder...@gmail.com
>>Data: 04/02/2013 9.05
>>A: "francescobocca...@libero.it"<francescobocca...@libero.it>
>>Cc: "Nathan Woodrow"<madman...@gmail.com>, "qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org"
>>Ogg: Re: Re: [Qgis-developer] R: Re: attributeMap()
>>On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:40 PM, francescobocca...@libero.it
>><francescobocca...@libero.it> wrote:
>>> Hi Nathan,
>>> i tired with the name of the field:
>>> idVar = inFeat[field]
>>> KeyError: 'type'
>>> field is the name of field (in this case 'type').
>>Both access by index and by field name should work - if not, the
>>attribute is probably not loaded. How do you get the feature - what is
>>the select() / getFeatures() command?

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