Hi everybody, I hope you can help me.
I'm trying to enable URL Rewriting in Qgis-web-client as described at point
5 of the configuration guide (https://github.com/qgis/qgis-web-client)
I'm using this rule:

RewriteRule wms/([^/]+)$

It works well: when I browse http://THE_HOST/wms/example on firefox the
server returns the cgi script result whit parameter
Then I've set

var serverAndCGI = "http://THE_HOST/wms/";

in GlobalOptions.js instead of the full url.

The problem shows up when Qgis-web-client trys to use the cgi script:
instead of call /wms/example/?params it calls /wms/NOTHING/?params. (as you
can see)

[16:09:20.950] GET
404 Not Found 126ms]

What am I forgetting to configure?
Thanks in advance.
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