Just a note: I'll be bundling OTB and SAGA in the OS X package.  I already have 
code in sextante to automatically find the bundled copies.

Maybe I'll look again at Taudem.  I think when I looked at it a year ago I was 
put off by Windows/Arc-centric nature of it.  ... ugh, just a quick browse of 
the source doesn't look good - mix of windows and unix line endings in some 
files needs to be fixed (maybe the compiler doesn't care, but it's hard to 
read), and assumption of available headers/libraries, like MPI.  This may not 
be an option for OS X, at least in the near future.  It's also disappointing 
that the author didn't use libtiff, so that taudem could support lzw 
compression and bigtiff.

On Apr 20, 2013, at 3:52 AM, Victor Olaya wrote:

>> * in Sextante options, General entry should always be the first, Modeler 
>> second, and
>> Script third
>> * the name of the settings is an editable field, which seems inappropriate
>> * the Settings column should be wider, at the expense of the Value column;
>> alternatively, text should be wrapped
> I have been thinking about changing all the options dialog. Doesn't
> look hard to do, so you can count on having this ready soon
>> * when activating the new "Use categories to classify...", only a few 
>> algorithms are
>> shown; I understand the need to simplify things, but I'm still unsure if it's
>> appropriate to limit users' choice
> It's limited now for two reasons:
>   1) The classification of algorithms is done manually...and it is
> boooooring to do :-) SAGA and QGIS ones are already done, but I have
> to do the GRASS ones. However I am not sure about including GRASS, it
> is more complex to use. You can use a SAGA algorithm without knowing
> what SAGA is, but to use a GRASS one, you need to understand some
> GRASS ideas, so it is an advanced process, and the simplified
> algorithm classification shouldn't assume that. You can always change
> to the advanced view to use GRASS (now you can change directly from
> the toolbox, no need to go to the config dialog)
>   2) I would like to have in that list, only those algorithms that
> need no extra configuration, to make that the default and have it
> working out-of the box. That's why R and OTB, for instance, are not in
> there.
>> * IMHO OTB is a big plus for Sextante, as it brings many brand new functions,
>> unavailable in most other desktop GIS; so I suggest to:
>>  * include OTB in the standalone win package (easy, as it is already in 
>> osgeo4w)
>>  * add its default path according to the running distro; for users, adding 
>> it by
>> hand can be difficult
>>  * I noticed that the Mean shift segmentation produces a vector with the Y 
>> axis inverted
> good idea. If OTB goes into osgeo4w, I could add the OTB algorithms to
> the simplified list of algorithms
> I still have to send Jurgen the SAGA package as we discussed it in the
> Hackfest. We can put both SAGA and OTB, and taht would really give a
> lot of power to SEXTANTE
> Thanks for your ideas!
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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