>So for me, simply removing the adjustSizeToText call would be enough. Or we have to make sure this method does the job correctly, which may be a bit hard to implement : we need to avoid to have >collision with other composition items, etc.

The problem is if the client provided text does not fit into the predefined label box. It would be good to combine dynamic resize capabilities with line breaks somehow.
I'm open for suggestions.


On 28.05.2013 11:53, kimaidou wrote:

I just made a small test and commented the line
Then recompile QGIS master and tested it with a classical text box (not html rendered) with a long text.

I personnaly prefer the behaviour when this method is not called : the text box keep the size set by the user in QGIS. And the text wraps when it reaches the right side of the Box. I even tried with "HTML rendered" on (and my fake X Server running), and it worked well too.

At the contrary, when adjustSizeToText is used, the box is transformed in a one line box, which goes to the right of the entire composition (out of it) : text does not wrap.

So for me, simply removing the adjustSizeToText call would be enough. Or we have to make sure this method does the job correctly, which may be a bit hard to implement : we need to avoid to have collision with other composition items, etc.


2013/5/28 René-Luc D'Hont <rldh...@gmail.com <mailto:rldh...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Marco

        I guess yes. 'adjustSizeToText()' works for text, not html.
        Html support for composer label was added recently to the
        composer label class. Please adapt the relevant lines to work
with html labels too.

    I'll adapt it

        >Question for Marco, Why removed label, if the request doesn't
        define a value ? Why not used the default value ?

        The idea was that the web client has the possibility to remove
        an advertised text label completely if it is not used. E.g. if
        a composition defines a text item with id 'author', the web
        client can simply ignore it if it does not want to have
        author's name printed. Note that the labels without ids are
        not removed as they are considered to be fix, so not subject
        to client text replacement (original meaning of label id was
        that this text item is subject to text replacement by web
        client. Later, the id has been generalized as an id for every
        item type).

        Another possibility would be to remove the item only if the
        client gives an empty text and use the default text otherwise.
        What do you think?

    I prefer to remove the label only if the user gives an empty text.
    Can I do it ?


    On 27.05.2013 22 <tel:27.05.2013%2022>:23, rldhont wrote:

            Hi Marco and other devs,

            In src/mapserver/qgsconfigparser.cpp:530 we can read :

              //replace label text
              foreach ( QgsComposerLabel *currentLabel, composerLabels )
                QString title = parameterMap.value(
            currentLabel->id().toUpper() );

                if ( title.isEmpty() )
                  //remove exported labels not referenced in the request
                  if ( !currentLabel->id().isEmpty() )
                    c->removeItem( currentLabel );
                    delete currentLabel;

                currentLabel->setText( title );

            This code is used to draw composer label with value
            defined by the QGIS WMS Server Request GetPrint.

            The bug defined in the issues #7894
            http://hub.qgis.org/issues/7894 is probably du to the
            method adjustSizeToText()
            Someone can confim it ?

            Question for Marco, Why removed label, if the request
            doesn't define a value ? Why not used the default value ?

            René-Luc D'Hont
            Qgis-developer mailing list

-- Dr. Marco Hugentobler
        Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
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        Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

        Qgis-developer mailing list

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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
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