Hi List,

I want to ask something about the size and behaviour of Qt dialogs of QGIS on Gnome3 on Debian.

I've noticed that the dialogs (like the Project/Project properties dialog) are not real floating dialogs anymore. They are a sort of attached to the menubar of the QGIS application Window.

I cannot take the dialog and move it to another screen or place. Some plugin dialogs (like the Georeferencer dialog/window) I can still move around.

This should be ok, but the 'fixed' dialogs you can not resize in both directions: only the width can be changed.

For certain dialogs the buttons are almost out of view:
See http://www.flickr.com/photos/97361298@N07/9023726318/

Mind you: the bottom is really the bottom of my screen.
In a normal dialog I could (using alt-mouse) move it up to come to the buttons. But with these fixed dialogs this is not possible.

De-maximizing the QGIS window (by double clicking the Titlebar) only works for the QGIS window:

So questions:
- am I the only one with this little annoyances
- is this debian/gnome3 only behaviour, or can I choose the standard type of dialogs? - do I need a bigger screen for QGIS (or: what is the minimum size of a dialog supposed to be for QGIS.) I'm normally working/building QGIS on a little 12.5 inch screen laptop with 1366x768 LED. When doing gis stuff I have a second large monitor attached to it.

Mind you, I'm not against big dialogs (though I prefer wider dialogs then), and I'm aware of the space problems we always have with our dialogs. I could also imaging that it has something to do with other window toolkits (?android). I think we should try to serve both worlds, and I can live with my 'problems' if that makes it easier to develop for both worlds.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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