Leaving source code for future reference:

Exporting Shapefile or Vector Layer to Spatialite using QgsVectorFileWriter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys

from qgis.core import *

app = QgsApplication(sys.argv, False)

# need to locate srs.db
app.setPkgDataPath( '/usr/local/share/qgis' )

# need to locate qgis libraries
app.setPrefixPath( '/usr/local' )

# need to locate c++ plugins (*.so)
app.setPluginPath( '/usr/local/lib/qgis/plugins' )

# show the environment variables
print 'lib path:', app.libraryPath()
print 'plugin path:', app.pluginPath()
print 'srs.db:', app.srsDbFilePath()
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer('track.shp', 'layer_name_you_like', 'ogr')
crs = vlayer.crs()
if not crs.isValid():
    # choose a 4326 - WGS84 CRS
    crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( 4326,
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId )

error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( vlayer,
                                                 ["SPATIALITE=YES",] )
if error != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
    print 'Error number:', error

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Daniel <daniel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Answer:
> vlayer = QgsVectorLayer('track.shp', 'layer_name_you_like', 'ogr')
> error_msg = ''
> error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( vlayer, 'test.sqlite',
> 'System', vlayer.crs(), 'SQLite', False, error_msg, [ "SPATIALITE=YES" , ] )
> where:
> vlayer                             =>  vector layer which will be exported
> to spatialite
> 'test.sqlite'                      =>  absolute path to new spatialite
> database file
> 'System'                         =>  string that represents the file
> encoding
> vlayer.crs()                      =>  vector layer crs
> 'SQLite'                           =>  provider name
> False                              =>  export onlySelected?
> error_msg                        =>  if there is any error message will be
> put in that variable (if user don't care about error handling, set to None)
> [ "SPATIALITE=YES" , ]   =>  database options. (here is the trick)
> Also, there is a class
> http://www.qgis.org/api/classQgsVectorLayerImport.html
> But, I didn't have success in create an empty database using the
> QgsVectorLayerImport. I think that class (QgsVectorLayerImport) expects a
> created spatialite database.
> --
> Daniel Vaz

Daniel Vaz
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