
Due to family and work commitments I have not been able to focus on fixing
outstanding labeling issues much in the past month. However, I have finally
been able to clear the next 5 days to work solely on these issues.

Here is what I will be initially working on (in order):

* Creating a Python unit test suite for labeling, at first specifically to
address current major issues

* Issue #8068 (and 8413), wrong font display in qgis server [0]

* Issue #3975, new label engine vectorizing texts in (printed) output [1]

* Pull request #640, labeling performance [2]

After addressing those, I will work on how to remove old labeling and any
other labeling- / Mac-specific issues, in preparation for 2.0 release.

If anyone is currently working on any of these issues, please let me know
(so we don't double-up work).

[0] http://hub.qgis.org/issues/8068
[1] http://hub.qgis.org/issues/3975
[2] https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS/pull/640


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