Hi Anita,

The options you have offer a variety of designs concerning the front 
and allow for the decision about the logo placement and "corporate 
However, I'm still not really convinced of using a background of a 
modern (admittedly visually appealing) map service which has no 
relation to and is by no means produced with the help of QGIS.
I would rather like to see an antique background map used (and I 
believe it was once the plan to use ancient maps as splash screens?). 
The Dufour map has been judged as too heavy in the previous discussion, 
and I have unfortunately not found a sample from the Sigfried map which 
could also be an option. So instead of a map, I was looking for other 
images, which are not maps, but nevertheless artistic work with spatial 
nature and cannot be mistaken (at least I believe so) to be a result of 

So here some pictures I found


I'm not sure about the rights we have to get to use them, but they are 
ancient, so I guess that should not be a problem?


On Sam 31 Aug 2013 12:31:28 CEST, Anita Graser wrote:
> Hi,
> It's time to get the splash ready. This thread seems to agree with the
> general direction of the drafts Nathan posted. I've therefore prepared
> three variants of the design:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/48244569@N02/9633228465/in/photostream/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/48244569@N02/9633228767/in/photostream/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/48244569@N02/9633228881/in/photostream/
> Please use the star feature to vote on the design(s) you prefer and
> leave comments on the image page if you think something should be
> changed. I'll check all the feedback and create the final version on
> Sunday evening (Sept 1st, CEST).
> Best wishes,
> Anita
> Am 23.07.2013, 09:35 Uhr, schrieb Tim Sutton <li...@linfiniti.com>:
>> Hi
>> My 2c below:
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Larry Shaffer
>> <lar...@dakotacarto.com>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Nathan Woodrow
>>> <madman...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Here is a version with the green but also the full logo:
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6bj807cesttnwl/qgis_green3.png
>>> +1, I think the layout and color selection are good. The layout doesn't
>>> include that dark grey border, does it? If so, please consider
>>> removing it.
>> I think the Q logo should be smaller, say 1/3 the splash hight and
>> nestled
>> into the top left corner (with some white space around it) and with no
>> transparency.
>>> Also, the font used for 'QGIS' is rather weak and, to be frank, a bit
>>> goofy-looking (especially the Q). I have a huge assortment of
>>> professional
>>> fonts which I can work with to find something better.
>> Agreed - though can you please use a font that is free or at  least
>> easily
>> available and provide the final splash as a gimp xcf so that we can
>> easily
>> re-use it in future releases.
>>> Nathan, do you have a working design file I can use? Or at least a
>>> background PNG without the lettering?
>>> There appears to be no leading between the lines 'QGIS 2.0' and
>>> 'Dufour,'
>>> nor spacing between 'QGIS' and '2.0.' Was this intended? I do kind
>>> of like
>>> the effect, however. Usually when this is done in design, at
>>> minimum, the
>>> coloring of the two words/lines is different, even if just a
>>> difference in
>>> tone of the same color.
>> I agree with this, it needs a little more white space between the words.
>> Also a note that we usually store the master splash in  much higher
>> resolution so that it can be used in posters / printed products etc. A
>> downsampled one is then used for the final splash. Ideally in future
>> releases we would just swap out the background image and edit the text
>> containing the version and name.
>> Regards
>> Tim
>> Regards,
>>> Larry
>>>>  - Nathan
>>>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Marco Bernasocchi <
>>>> ma...@bernawebdesign.ch> wrote:
>>>>> On 07/16/2013 03:02 PM, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>>>>>  Currently, all splash screen drafts I have seen are heavily based on
>>>>>> swisstopo maps. While I personally like these very well-done maps, I
>>>>>> don't see the connection between these and QGIS. For me, looking
>>>>>> at the
>>>>>> splashes feels like looking at a swisstopo advertisement.
>>>>>> I would prefer a version, where we show off the new features of QGIS
>>>>>> and/or having a historical map instead of just showing a standard
>>>>>> product of the official Swiss map-makers.
>>>>> I agree with Matthias, and I'll suggest again (as Andreas did
>>>>> before) to
>>>>> try the dufour map:
>>>>> http://s.geo.admin.ch/**09751c84f<http://s.geo.admin.ch/09751c84f>or
>>>>> maybe the sigfriedkarte
>>>>> ciao
>>>>> --
>>>>> Marco Bernasocchi
>>>>> http://opengis.ch
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