Not always is preferrable to suppress the small features.
Often in our rendering we prefere to substitute a small rendering of kind polygon with a point rendering at lowest scales.

This is possible using the Rule-Rendering
also is possible to use the rule-rendering to define a rule that in a scale interval and with a dimension interval the feature is render using a point rendering and change in a polygon rendering when the scale grow.


On 12/09/2013 02:13, Nyall Dawson wrote:
Hi all,

I've been chatting with Nathan about adding a feature to QGIS which would allow suppression of rendering features smaller than a set threshold for vector layers. (There's already a similar function in the labelling engine "Suppress labeling of features smaller than"). This feature would come in handy for me for several tables which contain a wide range of very small -> very large features, which cause slow rendering at small scales.

I'm just checking that if I code this up it's not going to be duplicated effort - Nathan is under the impression that someone else has been talking about adding something similar. Is there currently any plans for a feature like this, or should I get started?


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