Le mardi 5 novembre 2013 11:23:11, Jürgen E. Fischer a écrit :

> Anyway, the 4 months would be split into three months of development and
> one month for testing, bugfixing, translating and release preparations in
> a freeze period.
Great to have a fixed time release plan ! Definite +1 for that !

Do you think that it will need a "commitfest" period, when ready features 
would be merged into trunk before the one-month testing ? (That's how the 
linux kernel or PostgreSQL work).

Or would it be the responsibility of the commiters to only accept PR whenever 
the proposed feature is complete, tested and documented during the 3 months ?

The situation we do not want is a wrong evaluation of development time for a 
feature, which would as a consequence be only partly commited to trunk when 
the three months period of development ends.
> So if everyone knows beforehand when the next release will happen, new
> things can be scheduled to be introduced into a certain release slot. 
> Things that take more than one slot, should go into a seperate branch and
> merged when they are ready.
Ok, then the question is, do we merge regularly, or at a fixed time in the 
development cycle.


> Does jan/may/sep sound preferable?  feb/jun/oct or mar/jul/nov or
> apr/aug/dec any better?  Any preference on the week or weekday such a
> release should happen (eg. 3rd friday of the month)?

Better not have a release in august because of summer holidays.
feb/jun/oct would be my favorite.


> Opinions?

Great move :-)

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