On 21-12-13 13:50, kimaidou wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some client asking who is responsible for packaging QGIS on
> Centos/Redhat .
> At present, QGIS is still in 1.8 version in the ELGIS repositories, even
> in testing. Does anybody use Centos on this list and can share ways to
> get QGIS 2 ? If compiling is the only way for now, is there anywhere
> some tutos on it for this specific platform ?

Hi Michael,

I know Matthias Kuhn has been busy to create a docker image to build a
fedora rpm's and telling me that it was pretty easy to do the same for
rhel too...

The idea was to even set up our own repo for that fedora.qgis.org or
rhel.qgis.org or so. Not sure what current status is though...


Richard Duivenvoorde

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