Hi Luca,

the need to create some kind of reports is often uttered. IMHO a dedicated reporting tool can always handle this better than anything implemented in QGIS or any other GIS (because it is not a main GIS feature). I successfully coupled a Python implementation of JasperReports [1] with QGIS. JasperReports not only allows sum/average and the like but also subreports (for ?:n relations) charts and much more. AFAIK (but have not tried myself) LibreOffice output is possible, too. This solution needs some Python programming to create an XML document from your data and send the data and the report template to the server.


[1] https://github.com/hudora/pyJasper
my fork with updated Jasper libraries:

Am 04.01.2014 17:07, schrieb covi...@libero.it:


I list the main ideas / needs that have emerged from a hypothetical use
in the office where I currently work (hypothetical because we currently
uses a proprietary software):

1. Procedure to print ONLY the attribute tables: with the management of
layout, borders, text, fit to page, etc..

2. Report Creator for attribute table: integrating existing open-source
programs or write new ones directly integrated into Qgis for GIS uses
with sums, partial sums, statistics on the elements present in the
fields etc..

3. Managing the attribute table as a LibreOffice Calc (or Office Excel)
filtered table: make available in an automatic way a filter in the
column header that brings all the unique values ​​and then allow the
possibilities via checkboxes to filter what "see" and "don't see" and
that visibility is reflected "at the same time" on the map (user choice).

4. Reflect the colors classification of the geometry in attribute table:
ie the background color of the rows in the attribute table correspond to
the color set in the corresponding geometries (difficulty or inability
with particular types of backgrounds / textures / gradients?).

Points 1, 2 and 3 are closely linked. Point 1. is already well-developed
in the print layout of Qgis but my idea is to further refinement and
"simplification", something like: Print -> Print Attribute Table ... and
then from there I manage only the table, as described above (with
particular reference to the most common print sizes A4 and A3). Point 2.
could be a future step... users served / liked the Print Attribute
Table? If YES we implement the Report Creator. Point 3. could be 2a. in
the sense that it is closely related to 2. but with direct applications
on the geometry (and of course also on the printouts of derived maps).

Sorry for the length of the text but I hope It was clear. Thank you very
much for taking the time to read, but above all thank you for having
created and subsequently developed this amazing software, I hope that
these proposals can serve and be of interest to other users.

King regards


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