Hi Larry

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Larry Shaffer <lar...@dakotacarto.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> While trying to get some labeling bugs fixed, I noticed some serious
> issues with the local unit test server, for qgis_mapsev.fcgi, I had
> previously made, and some issues relating to the loading of test fonts. The
> latter drove me crazy for over a week trying to track it down, but I
> finally have a workaround. I can now essentially 'trust' the output from
> server tests.
> What changes did I make?
> * Tossed all the old QgsLocalServer[Config] classes and support files
> * QgsLocalServer is now a server controller class [0] with these features:
> -   Web and FCGI processes are separated and can be independently
> controlled
> -   Abstracted controller can work with any backend Web and FCGI-spawning
> executables
> -   Initial Lighttpd and spawn-fcgi support, but can work with Nginx,
> Apache, uWSGI, fcgiwrap, etc.
> -   Just need local init scripts, or commands, and configs to add new
> backends, which only need to be on PATH
> -   Uses sockets on *nix-based machines
> * Removed FreeSansQGIS font and added Bitstream Vera Sans (Roman, Bold,
> Oblique, Bold Oblique) test font family [1]
> * Test fonts reworked to have specific 'QGIS Vera Sans' name to avoid font
> conflicts
> * Test fonts are now built into desktop and server executables via
> testdata.qrc
> * In Release builds, all test fonts are available, but not loaded by
> default
> * In Debug builds, all test fonts are available, but only Roman and Bold
> styles are loaded by default
> * Loading of test fonts moved to QgsFontUtils, with sip bindings
> What does this affect?
> Very little, except my sanity. :-) Other than the adding of testdata.qrc
> to the desktop and server executables, regardless of build type, only the
> fledgling Python unit tests for labeling were affected. This is because no
> one else used the old QgsLocalServer classes.
> So, what's this mean?
> * Adding a local server to a Python test class is very simple [1]
> * Once Web and FCGI-spawning executables are available on PATH, no other
> config required
> * Classes are initial foundation for a Python plugin that allows live
> previewing of current project in a local, no-config QGIS Server, with
> chose-able web client loaded into QWebPage
> * Test fonts are more robust, but still fairly small in size (load
> quickly) [2, see char tables]
> * Test fonts can easily be loaded via C++ or Python in desktop or unit
> tests
> * Example: loaded from PyQGIS Console (running RelWithDebInfo build)
> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
> fontdb = QFontDatabase()
> fontdb.styles(QgsFontUtils.standardTestFontFamily()) --> [u'Bold',
> u'Roman']
> QgsFontUtils.loadStandardTestFonts(['Bold Oblique']) --> True
> fontdb.styles(QgsFontUtils.standardTestFontFamily()) --> [u'Bold Oblique',
> u'Bold', u'Roman']
> tf = QgsFontUtils.getStandardTestFont('Bold Oblique', 12) --> QFont
> tf.family() --> u'QGIS Vera Sans'
> tf.bold() --> True
> tf.italic() --> True
> tf.pointSize() --> 12
> * Such manual loading of test font(s) in a Release build allows helping
> users debug labeling, etc. with a known, valid font
> * Using similar interface, other fonts of differing typeface, writing
> direction, etc. can easily be unit tested
> Caveats?
> * Only config'd to work with lighttpd/spawn-fcgi and only on Mac, right now
> This is because I didn't have time to also config on other platforms and
> work on labeling bugs. It's fairly quick to do however. See [3, 4], if
> interested in adding a platform/server setup. The labeling tests generally
> failed on most platforms anyways, due to other issues that this setup has
> fixed.
> * Practically no docstrings or other documentation, yet (classes are
> pretty semantic, though)
> * Control images need rebuilt.. so, all labeling tests will fail until then
> Lastly, please do not hesitate to make my submitted code better. :-)
> [0]
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/tests/src/python/qgis_local_server.py#L208-L467
> [1]
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/tests/src/python/qgis_local_server.py#L542-L587
> [2] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/master/tests/testdata/font/QGIS-Vera
> [3]
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/tests/src/python/test_qgis_local_server.py#L51
> [4]
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/master/tests/testdata/qgis_local_server

This is awesome stuff thanks!



> Regards,
> Larry Shaffer
> Dakota Cartography
> Black Hills, South Dakota
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