The current GDAL Complete 1.10 (2013-12-21) has NumPy 1.8 on it.

On Mar 1, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Geo DrinX wrote:

> Hello all,
> As in object,  I have this error :
> RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 9 but this version of numpy 
> is 7
> Versione Python:
> 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05) 
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)]
> Versione di QGIS:
> 2.2.0-Valmiera Valmiera, 
> I installed   GDAL_Complete-1.10  that contains  also NumPy.pkg  that is the 
> "1.6.2-1 2012-8-21" version .
> May I install some other version of NumPy  ?   Where I need to download it ?
> Thank you for any help
> Roberto
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"Mon Dieu! but they are all alike.  Cheating, murdering, lying, fighting, and 
all for things that the beasts of the jungle would not deign to possess - money 
to purchase the effeminate pleasures of weaklings.  And yet withal bound down 
by silly customs that make them slaves to their unhappy lot while firm in the 
belief that they be the lords of creation enjoying the only real pleasures of 

- the wisdom of Tarzan

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