On 2 April 2014 11:55, Régis Haubourg

> Hi Martin, does that mean that we need to wait that your refactoring is
> finished before starting a work on proportionnal legends? What is the
> target
> version for that?
> This is a high priority use case here, should we fund a temporary plugin
> for
> current versions ? This is sub-optimal too me, and that requires also we
> fund first a plugin, and secondly a core feature.

I suggest you to wait... every ad-hoc solution would be refactored again
after release of the new Legend architecture.
Actual design is really limited... the new one will use all the potential
of Qt legend items customization.
One of the Martin's work will be moving legend to gui library allowing
programmatically (e.g using plugins) add new item visualization modes
In this moment of the process, as stated by Martin, we're collecting all
the "default" visualization features that legend should have.

> after having experienced Mapinfo, Arcmap, and QGIS dockable Mirror map, I
think Multi Canvas is really required for multi map composers, and current
> arcmap design is rather good. We still need Dockable mirror map for on
> screen visulisation purposes.

I don't know if you know that exist Dockable Mirror Map plugin that add
this functionality to Qgis... new legend interface will be designed to
allow different rendering/styling for each available canvas.

se you, Luigi Pirelli
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