
there was some discussions during the spring of the plugin prepair. Problem was that it needs to have a compiled "kernel", c++, user UI is in python. I've tested it now both in linux (openSuse 12.3 and QGIS 2.2 up2date) and windows (w7pro/64 and QGIS 2.3 nightly latest) environments. In linux the program has to be compiled by user, this might cause some problems if user is not used to compile programs, check libraries etc. For seasoned user that only takes some 5-10 minutes to get it done. In windows there is precompiled package but only as zip not with any installer which may cause problems (e.g. where to place it).

Both installations worked with certain settings and included test case, results were similar, but further test settings caused big problems in windows installation which I'll report after a good night sleep.

There will be real use for the plugin. But some development is needed also for UI.


Plugin is useful and thus very acceptable, but
- it can be installed only by person who knows what to do, those people who do digitizing are not always programmers (very seldom) - to tell where the actual workhorse is situated is quite clumsy way to use it even the plugin remembers the site (but only in that same session), this should developed to some settings. Now You find it once and write it on paper not to need to find it again etc. otherwise you spend time and possibility to make error?.

- these kind of plugins should be marked always as experimental and with this I mean all similar "need-to-be-compiled" plugins


PS. I really liked the idea of this plugin and respect the developers. I also understand that maybe something I didn't understand why windows didn't work as expected.

Kari Salovaara
Hanko, Finland

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