Hi Bill,

On Thursday, September 11, 2014 10:37:51 AM Bill Bishop wrote:
>    Is anyone successfully using the remote debug plug-in with PyDev &
> Eclipse?   I tried using it, and noticed that the debugging protocol
> used by PyDev appears to have changed, thus rendering the remote debug
> plug-in less than useful.   The plug-in "appeared" to work at-first, but
> when it was tried seriously, the issues emerged (specifically use of
> break-points).
> Has this been verified (by someone else)?  Is someone working on it?
>  Remote debug plug-in version: 0.2.0; Eclipse Version 3.8.1; QGIS
> Version 2.2.0; PyDev version 3.6.0

I'm not working with PyDev anymore, so I can't reproduce your problem.
I've heard that Richard (CC) has also problems with his IDE. If you can give 
me a hint what has to be changed, I'm happy to include it in a new version of 
the plugin.


Pirmin Kalberer - @PirminKalberer
Sourcepole - http://www.sourcepole.com
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