

I have a plugin that allows to change an attribute value of added feature to
the selected value of a combo-box.

I change the attribute when the signal "featureAdded" is emmited (ie. Before
the endEditCommand of "add feature" is called) so in this undo command we
have in the order:

1-  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeature

2-      QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttribute


If we undo "add feature" command it must call undo() on all child commands
in reverse order, but when I debug in QGIS it do it in the order not in
reverse order ie. It call:

1-  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeature::undo()

2-      QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttribute::undo()


That's why Qgis crash when I undo "add feature" command

An explanation for this?


Is there any way to knew if the signal "feature added" is emitted when a new
feature is added not from commitChanges(), redoEditCommand() and


Thank you



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