On 25 Sep 2014, at 6:01, Ramon Andiñach <cust...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

>> I am not saying the idea is bad but the consequences might be larger than 
>> you expect especially for occasional users if the behaviour of the tools is 
>> different from what they would expect from their prior experience (of other 
>> GIS or graphic software).
> I'll fire up MI today and have a look.

Mapinfo results

* edit node tool
Moving nodes
- select feature
- select reshape tool
- click in node and drag
- select feature
- select reshape tool
- select add node tool
- click to add point

* move feature
- click on feature and drag

* rotate feature
- select feature
- click on rotate point and drag

* move label
- click on label and drag

* rotate label
- select label
- click on rotate point and drag

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