On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 09:02:07AM +0700, Mathieu Pellerin wrote:
> Regarding the saving aspect of it, IMO it needs to be worked out. I've had
> a couple of users over here already reporting "data loss" with the
> following scenario:
> 1. Open his/her project
> 2. Copies one polygon from a large dataset and pastes is as a new memory
> layer (very useful feature introduced in QGIS 2.x)
> 3. Styles the memory layer, and saves the project
> 4. The next day, when he/she re-opens the project, the polygon is gone
> Throughout the above mentioned workflow, there was never _any_ indication
> that the pasted memory layer would not be saved when saving the project.

Same happened to me many many times. It's also reported in this ticket:

> If QGIS further ease access to memory layers via incorporating the new
> memory layer function into the core (which I hope its done :) ), and decide
> against saving across project session, then there must be a UX to deal with
> that, instead of silently killing the data of the memory layer(s). One way
> forward would be to have a warning upon closing a project that has
> non-saveable memory layers to warn the users. That warning should offer for
> users to save the memory layers onto a proper format (possibly like the
> missing layer dialog, with a list of all the memory layers and an input to
> add the saved file location/name).

+1, saving should NOT be reported as a success w/out the user being made
aware of the issue and asked for action (discard/save_as_format).


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